Sweet Treats


Available in any flavour from our selection, cupcakes can simply be ordered by themselves or to match a main cake design.

Let us know if your order is a gift, and we can present it in a window box with our signature ribbon. Alternatively, we also offer individual cupcake pods for your guests to easily take away.

We provide three different types of cupcake:

  • Standard cupcakes, with buttercream swirl and sprinkles
  • Logo cupcakes, with edible image and buttercream swirl
  • Model cupcakes, with edible decorations and buttercream swirl.

(Minimum order of 6 per flavour.)

Cookies & Macarons

From characters, to flowers and message cookies, we can create cookies in any shape and design! Or, if you prefer the delicate French macaron, we offer these in a selection of flavours too.

If you want to create a coordinated dessert table, cookies can be decorated to a colour scheme or theme, along with matching cupcakes and cake pops.

Our cookie options:

  • Fondant sugar cookie: our standard cookie, covered and decorated with sugarpaste
  • Iced sugar cookie: our standard cookie, iced and decorated with royal icing
  • Macarons: almond-based, French cookie shells, sandwiched together with buttercream, ganache or conserve.

(Minimum order of 8 per style.)

Cake Pops & Cake Lollies

To complete a dessert table for your celebration, our cake pops or lollies are perfect, bite-size treats that can be ordered in any of our cake flavours.

Just let us know what your event needs and we can get creative with the design and colours to make sure they complement your theme.

We offer:

  • Cake pops: one-or-two bite cake and buttercream balls, covered with chocolate on a stick
  • Cake lollies: larger cake and buttercream shape, covered with chocolate on an ice-cream stick.

 (Minimum order of 8 per flavour.)